By Cecelia Martinez
The Record
TROY — Responding to concerns about asbestos at the demolition site of the former City Hall in Monument Square, City Engineer Russ Reeves said that the process is being handled “methodically and carefully,” adding that work performed at the site up to this point was not demolition, but rather general cleanup and “investigatory procedures.” Reeves said that demolition will take place after abatement for asbestos in the building, some of it friable, takes place after Jan. 13.
Concerns regarding asbestos at the site were raised during last week’s City Council meeting, at which Mayor Harry Tutunjian took offense to what he called “allegations” that asbestos had been released into the atmosphere. Friable asbestos, if inhaled, can cause health problems, specifically a type of cancer called mesothelioma.
At the meeting and again in a letter responding to an inquiry by Councilman Bill Dunne, D-District 4, the administration said it was aware of asbestos and that it was being monitored daily. Reeves said that workers are now cleaning out the site and will be making site evaluations to determine a plan for the demolition.
Dunne raised concerns that the demolition may be in violation of Subpart 56-5(h) of 12 NYCRR Part 56, which requires that “no demolition… be commenced by… prior to the completion of asbestos abatement.” Dunne said that Reeves’ claim that work completed over the past two weeks is not considered demolition is “backpedaling.”
“I’m not sure what kind of testing backing a truck hoe into windows is,” said Dunne. “It sounds to me like they’re changing their tune.”
An Oct. 11 Limited Asbestos Survey completed by Atlantic Testing Laboratories of Clifton Park found the only location of friable asbestos was in the ceiling of the parking garage. In his letter to Tutunjian regarding Dunne’s concerns, Reeves wrote that the asbestos was located in lighting fixtures in the ceiling, which would be “carefully bagged and taped, cut at the conduit and removed.”
Dunne said that he believes the Mayor’s actions to begin demolition on New Year’s Eve were done out of spite against those who were against the demolition or in favor of moving City Hall back to Monument Square. The Mayor and Reeves have both said they felt the need to show progress at the site to as not risk losing a nearly $1 million grant for the demolition.
“We need to keep our focus on the facts and not get into hysteria here,” said Reeves. “The worst thing of all is the misinformation spread through the Internet on what we’re doing. It’s inappropriate.” Reeves said that they have met with the Department of Labor, and are working with the contractors on a daily basis, but that e-mails regarding these concerns are getting in the way of their work. “We’re spending more time addressing these e-mails than on the work we’re supposed to be doing. We need to focus on the science of this.”
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