Mesothelioma is a malignant tumor of the mesothelium. The mesothelium is the thin lining on the surface of the body cavities and the organs that are contained within them. Pleural mesothelioma is a common variety. Most mesotheliomas begin as one or more nodules that progressively grow to form a solid coating of tumor surrounding the lung, abdominal organs, or heart.
The disorder is strongly associated with exposure to asbestos and usually occurs in the chest cavity. When one inhales asbestos fibers,they quickly work their way through the lung tissue and into the chest cavity.
It is not yet determined whether or not there is any safe exposure level. Some forms of asbestos fibers, Crocidolite fibers in particular, are more likely to cause mesotheliomas. Evidence also show that mesotheliomas may be caused by other agents including man-made mineral fibers, radiation, and viruses.
Unfortunately, in most cases mesothelioma is difficult to treat - for now - and patients usually survive only within 2 years.